Call for action continues…. For years, the community in Enfield Borough has been calling for action to tackle the dangerous A10 speeding, illegally modified cars and unlicensed car meets. Including
UPDATE: A10 Speeding, noise and borough car meets
I continue to work with the Police, Council, GLA/TfL, car park owners and local residents on these issues. Having been pressing for action for six years – appreciate the frustration
Visit to Remus Horse Sanctuary
I was delighted to visit the charity and be toured round by Sue Burton who helped found the Sanctuary. The Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary provides care for a range of
Save Church Street Recreation Ground – NO to Labour’s Crematorium Incinerator.
We must save Church Street Recreation Ground, Haselbury in Enfield Borough. The Enfield Labour run Council Local Plan includes a proposal for a Crematorium Incinerator there. Video is of me
Tax hikes and cuts – as Enfield Labour run Council is on the brink of bankruptcy
Calling out the Labour Administration for cuts and tax increases due to being at the brink of bankruptcy. Enfield Labour Council Budget Meeting 2024. #Enfield #Edmonton #BushHillPark #Southbury #Highfield #GrangePark
Lack of action by the Mayor of London and Enfield Council on A10 speeding and Borough car meets – slammed.
Call for action continues….
For years, the community in Enfield Borough has been calling for action to tackle the dangerous A10 speeding, illegally modified cars and unlicensed car meets.
Including the average speed camera petition to tackle A10 speeding along the Great Cambridge Road roundabout to Southbury junction – that was presented to the Mayor of London last year and signed by over 2,000 residents. Last October we secured significant media coverage of the issue – including on the BBC, radio and printed press.

This time last year I also launched the Charter for Action – with steps Enfield Council and Mayor of London needed take to tackle A10 speeding, illegally modified cars and unlicensed car meets.
So, of the key calls on the Mayor of London was to deliver average speed cameras along the Great Cambridge Road roundabout to Southbury junction, deliver noise cameras along the Enfield Borough A10 stretch and implement ‘Operation Vision Zero’ to deploy enhanced Road Traffic Police resource to the Borough. None have been delivered.
The five calls for action on Enfield Council – only slight progress has been made – with the Council now reversing its position to support a Borough wide PSPO. However, the key ask of securing an Injunction against the car meets drags on. The Council was meant to submit to the Courts in January. I have been following this up and most recently the Council was meant to submit in September – but is now citing ‘resourcing’ issues.
Police enforcement since April;
3 arrests, 8 car seized, 128 S59 notices, 23 Traffic Offence Reports (TORs), 50 Community Protection Warnings.

Since the concrete blocks were placed at the former B&Q site – many car meets moved onto Tesco’s at Glover Way. Tesco’s put in place security measures – and we are now seeing car meets at Morrisons car-park. Morrisons are also taking steps to secure their car-park. One car meet occurred when the lock barriers were broken through. There is also an ongoing issue with car meets in the business parks.
I appreciate how frustrated the community is with Enfield Council and the Mayor of London for the lack of action. If they implemented the Charter for Action that I launched a year ago – with its eight key actions – they could overnight start to resolve this issue once and for all. I simply do not understand why they are failing to.

UPDATE: A10 Speeding, noise and borough car meets
I continue to work with the Police, Council, GLA/TfL, car park owners and local residents on these issues. Having been pressing for action for six years – appreciate the frustration of residents.
It is vital that we now ensure the Council and Mayor of London commit to the ‘Charter for Action’ (please see at the end of the article).
A10 Speeding: Average Speed Cameras: We continue to call on TfL / GLA for cameras along the Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout section. To mirror what we successfully secured several years ago on the Southbury Road to Bullsmoor Lane section on the road.Police speed enforcement: The Police have undertaken many speed enforcement sessions across the year between 8am and 9pm – with cars recorded at speeds of up to 98mph (the road is a 40mph zone).
Freedom of Information Request: Recently I placed a Freedom of Information request about the two sections of the A10. The figures clearly showed that when the average speed cameras were introduced on the northern section of the A10 – injury accident rates have reduced over the years. There is a clear need for the average speed cameras on the Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout section.
Business case for average speed cameras: There has been some movement from TfL / GLA on average speed cameras – committing to a ‘business case’ study. As part of this they conducted a speed survey – but due to one of the camera malfunctioning – are having to do this all over again.
Noise cameras: On the discussion of illegally modified cars – there has been a trial of noise cameras in four locations across the country by the Department for Transport. We will keep pressing for these to be rolled out on the whole Enfield Borough A10 stretch.
Car Meets:
Injunction: The Council stated in November it would make submission to the Courts in January to secure an injunction against car meets in Enfield Borough. Clearly this has not happened yet; and are in contact with the Council chasing on this. They have confirmed that they are still progressing this.
Policing: Over time the Police have undertaken a significant amount of enforcement of these illegal car meets – that has included arrests, cars seized and fines issued.
Mayor of London: I will continue to call for the London Mayor to implement ‘Operation Vision Zero’ which would bring additional Transport Police resource to tackle the car meets.
Car-park security: Both the Council and Police are in contact with different car parks about improving security at their sites. There are numerous car meet locations – we saw the measures taken former B&Q site measures last year. Recently Tesco Glover Way installed new security measures. Since last month I have been raising that a new car meet location is Morrisons on Southbury Road and the relevant agencies are following up on this.
Charter for Action: Last year I launched the Charter for Action – calling on the Council and Mayor of London to take respectively five and three steps – that would effectively tackle the issues of A10 dangerous speeding, unlawfully modified cars and unlicensed car meets.How you can help:
Please email your MP, GLA Member and Councillors calling on them to back the Charter for Action.

Visit to Remus Horse Sanctuary

I was delighted to visit the charity and be toured round by Sue Burton who helped found the Sanctuary.
The Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary provides care for a range of animals that includes; horses, ponies, donkeys, goats, sheep and cats. These animals are victims of physical and mental abuse.
It was incredible to see the dedication to caring for the animals – and some who have very complex needs due to ill treatment before arriving at Remus.
Certainly I will continue to do what I can to support this wonderful charity.
Save Church Street Recreation Ground – NO to Labour’s Crematorium Incinerator.
We must save Church Street Recreation Ground, Haselbury in Enfield Borough.

The Enfield Labour run Council Local Plan includes a proposal for a Crematorium Incinerator there.
Video is of me speaking against the proposal at the Council Local Plan meeting. Sadly not a single Labour Councillor spoke against the proposals;
The Local Plan consultation is now open to residents – details and how to respond;
The petition has secured over 1,600 signatures – sending a strong message;
#Edmonton #Enfield #Haselbury #EdmontonGreen #GreenSpaces #Southgate #Sport #Football #Recreation #Environment #Incinerator
Tax hikes and cuts – as Enfield Labour run Council is on the brink of bankruptcy
Calling out the Labour Administration for cuts and tax increases due to being at the brink of bankruptcy. Enfield Labour Council Budget Meeting 2024.
#Enfield #Edmonton #BushHillPark #Southbury #Highfield #GrangePark #Haselbury #EdmontonGreen #Jubilee #NorthLondon #Community #Conservatives #Conservative #ULEZ #LTN
Labour Broken Promise on Council Tax Support – over 31,000 low income households now worse off
Speaking against the Enfield Labour Council Administration reducing Council Tax Support to over 31,000 low income households. Listen as I speak with Labour heckling.
Voted through by 29 Labour Councillors – all 24 Conservative Councillors present voted against cutting support.
UPDATE: A10 Speeding, noise and borough car meets public meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended the public meeting this week.
On the panel was representatives from the Police, Council officers, Transport for London (TfL), GLA Member Joanne McCartney, Councillor Chris Dey chairing and myself.
A10 Speed Cameras:
There was broad support for the need for average speed cameras on the Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout section. The Council will be meeting Transport for London this month on the matter.
Recently I placed a Freedom of Information request about the two sections of the A10. The figures clearly showed that when the average speed cameras were introduced on the northern section of the A10 – injury accident rates have reduced over the years. There is a clear need for the average speed cameras on the Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout section.
Noise cameras:
On the discussion of illegally modified cars – there has been a trial of noise cameras in four locations across the country by the Department for Transport. Follow up enquiries will be made about next steps on this technology.
Car Meets:
The Council is progressing on the work needed to apply to the Courts to secure an injunction against car meets in Enfield Borough.
The Police continue to shut down car meets with the ongoing Transport Police ‘Operation Ghost Freak’ working with a dedicated local Policing team.
Enforcement in recent months;
16 x vehicles seized for no insurance and breach of section 59.
2x vehicles seized for no insurance.
25x Traffic Offences (Court summons).
2x tickets for breach of Enfield PSPO ( £200).
Arrest 1x offensive weapon zombie knife / supply of controlled drugs.
Arrest 1x wanted failure to appear at court – possession offensive weapon.
Arrest 1x drug drive initially failed to stop and mounted the pavement.
Arrests 2x possession of drugs intent to supply & offensive weapon.
Arrest 1x arrest for drug driving, possession cannabis.
I will continue to call for the London Mayor to implement ‘Operation Vision Zero’ which would bring additional Transport Police resource to tackle dangerous A10 speeding and car meets.
Both the Council and Police are in contact with different car parks about improving security at their sites. There are numerous car meet locations – the former B&Q site measures is a welcome step – but there is still more to do across the Borough. I have also been reaching out to a number of the owners / management companies of local car parks.
It is disappointing that the car park companies did not attend the public meeting.
Progress is being made – but I do recognise the frustration in the community about the amount of time this is taking. I will update when I have more information.
A10 dangerous speeding, illegally modified cars and unlicensed car meets update.

A10 and car meets Public meeting
Firstly thank you to everyone that attended the meeting – it was a great turnout.
So the good news. At the meeting the local Police reported they had secured additional funding for Police Officers to target the car meet hotspots. In the lead up to the meeting TfL also confirmed the Road Traffic Police will conduct more speed checks on the A10.
We had a great panel – including GLA Member Emma Best (who presented the 2000+ petition to the GLA Assembly), Councillor Chris Dey chairing, Insp Richard Lee and Sergeant Crosby from the Police, Derek Wheeler (Bush Hill Park Residents Association Chair) and Rob Varney from TfL. One of the business park land owners was also in the audience.
In the run up to the meeting I have had a series of discussions with a number of car park managers / owners on the issue. They are an important part of moving this issue forward. A lot of behind the scenes work has taken place on securing the concrete blocks at the Colosseum car park (former B&Q) – and pressed over recent months to address the delays on installation. Pleased to confirm additional concrete blocks are to be installed in addition to the ones that went in the other week.
Sadly Enfield Council did not have any Council Officers available to attend – however the Council CEO sent an email which was read out at the meeting – stating the authority is committed to tackling the issue. In addition to continuing to support the good work I am doing on the issue.
Next steps: I have reached out to the CEO/Leader of Enfield Council, my local MP and our GLA Assembly member requesting for discussion. To this end I will be meeting the Enfield Council Leader and CEO next month. The GLA Assembly Member office is scheduling a time to chat. Still awaiting to hear back from my MP.
To be clear I am in constant contact with the Council, Police, GLA and TfL on this issue. I have always been clear that the different agencies need to come together to tackle this issues at hand. In addition I am now speaking directly to car park managers and owners.
Mentioned at the meeting was the Charter for Action that I launched last month – has five steps the Council needs to take and three steps Mayor of London/GLA needs to take. Please do write to your MP, GLA Member and Councillors backing the aims of the Charter.
Car meets / A10 speed noise update 18/09
Police enforcement this weekend.
This weekend a major car meet of 300+ cars took place at the Innova Business Park.
There was danger of injury to the spectators and the Police closed the event down. With a stop site set up at the entrance to Innova Business Park. All vehicles were stopped and examined as they left.
However some participants broke down a wooden fence and exit barrier – enabling them to avoid the Police stop site.
Enforcement includes:
6x Notices of Intention to Prosecute. Including dangerous driving.
1x Arrest wanted on warrant.
4x Vehicles seized for no insurance
3x Stop and search
1x Lock knife seized
1x Possession of cannabis
19x TOR prosecutions including: no licence, not in accordance, plates and other construction and use offences.
50x Community Protection Warnings.
30x+ Section 59’s (s59). Once the Police issue the first S59 – a repeat offence within 12 months means the Police can seize the vehicle.
What the Council needs to do;
- Seek injunction against car cruising / meets. (as many other Councils have).
- Deploy ASB Council officers at car meet hot spots over the evening weekends.
- Deploying mobile CCTV to these locations.
- Amend the protection order – PSPO – to cover the whole of the Borough.
- Continue to press that the former B&Q car park and Innova Business Park car park have enhanced security measures installed.
What TfL / Mayor of London needs to do;
- Introduce noise cameras.
- Deliver average speed cameras along Southbury Road junction to Great Cambridge Road roundabout.
- Bring back the enhanced resources of the Vision Zero operation – to assist the current Policing / Operation Ghost Freak efforts.
What you can do to help:
Please write to your MPs, GLA member and Councillors calling for the above.
A10 Petition – Presented
The petition was presented to City Hall the other week with over 2,000 signatures. We will await the response from the Mayor.
This is secure average speed cameras along Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout – our first petition secured the average speed cameras along the A10 Southbury Road to Bullsmoor – lets hope the second petition also succeeds.
The A10 has some of the highest levels of speeding and accidents in London.
Average speed cameras / noise cameras:
Since the petition was started the technology of noise cameras has come along. This technology is still in the trial stages. It was disappointing that the Mayor of London is still not supporting deploying noise cameras – despite the real need for them – we will keep pressing for action.
Background action:
As part of the campaign to improve A10 road safety has included car meets – as these issues are interlinked. I have been holding multi-agency meetings over the years to try and move the issue forward – working with the Council, Police and TfL/GLA.
Public meeting:
I am working with others to organise a public meeting next month – scheduled for October 9th.