The concrete installation has now been completed at the Colosseum Car Park (former B&Q). After the initial 63 blocks were installed – there was a smaller car meet that took place. Following this I can confirm that an additional 14 concrete blocks have been installed. The car park managers will monitor how successful this is.
A lot of hard work went into this behind the scenes. Including contact with the Council,

Police and car park managers. In addition to the Enfield Dispatch running a news story. The end result was the one leaseholder that was objecting to the works removing their objection and then signing off on the works.
However this is one of a number of cars parks in Enfield Borough that the Police have dispersed car meets. But a step in the right direction. I am in direct contact with several of the car park owners / managers on the issues.
A10 petition:

We are still awaiting a response from the Mayor of London to the 2,000+ signature petition for average speed cameras between Great Cambridge roundabout to Southbury Road – that was presented to the full GLA Assembly last month. The community campaign was successful several years ago in securing average speed cameras on the northern section (Southbury Road – Bullsmoor Lane). The latest petition is asking for this to be simply repeated on the southern section. To be clear the A10 has a 24/7 issue of chronic speeding levels and high level of injury incidents.
Contact with the key agencies:
I am in constant contact with the Council, Police, GLA and TfL on the issues. In addition to now being in contact with a number of car park managers / owners.
This week I had a constructive conversation with our GLA Member and have a meeting scheduled with the Enfield Council Leader & CEO in a few weeks. I am still awaiting a response from my local Edmonton MP to two emails I sent.
Public Meeting October 9th:

Once again thank you to all the residents that took the time to attend the meeting. Our panel included Councillors, Police, TfL, GLA and the Bush Hill Park Residents Association. In the lead up to the meeting we had confirmation that there will be more Road Transport Police speed operations on the A10. The local Police at the meeting also confirmed securing additional funding for Policing the car meet hot spots.
Charter for Action:

Last month I launched the Charter for Action – calling on the Council and Mayor of London to take five and three steps – that would effectively tackle the issues of A10 dangerous speeding, unlawfully modified cars and unlicensed car meets. Already two of these steps are moving forward – with the Council committing to consulting on expanding the PSPO (public space protection order) Borough wide and looking into securing an injunction again unlawful car cruising / car meets.
There is still a lot to do – but we are starting to make progress.