Archive for James Hockney

Speed watch project relaunched!

Bush Hill Park Ward – Community Road Watch – volunteers sought.

Delighted to say we are relaunching the project – which gives local residents the opportunity to work side by side with their local police teams, and use speed detection equipment to identify speeding vehicles in their communities.

If you would be interested in helping please message me.

A10 speeding, noises and car meets news update

The years long campaign to tackle speeding, noise and car meets continues.

It is worth noting that the A10 has some of the worst levels of speeding in London and sadly lives have been lost. We will not rest on improving road safety.

A10 Petition

Thank you to everyone who has signed the A10 petition for average speed cameras along Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout. Our first petition secured the average speed cameras along the Southbury Road to M25 – lets hope the second petition also succeeds. We now have over 1,400 signatures – lets get to 1,500.

Average speed cameras / noise cameras

Since the petition was started the technology of noise cameras has come along. This technology is still in the trial stages. It was disappointing that the Mayor of London did not support London being in the current set of trials. There is a question submitted in Mayors Question Time (MQT) on both the average speed cameras and noise cameras for the A10. When the answer appears will update everyone.

Car meets – background action 

As part of the campaign to improve A10 road safety has included car meets – as these issues are interlinked. I have been holding multi-agency meetings over the years to try and move the issue forward.

The campaign has succeeded in dedicated Police resources to tackle car meets, known as ‘Operation Ghost Freak’.

Many car-parks have seen safety measures taken to discourage car-meets. Clearly there are still other hot spots as a result. The former ‘B&Q’ site being one. Through the Police and Council – the owners of the car-park will be installing safety measures.

I have also asked the Council to;

  • Deploy ASB Council officers at car meet hot spots over the evening weekends.
  • Deploying mobile CCTV to these locations.
  • Amend the protection order – PSPO – to cover the whole of the Borough.

In terms of Policing:

The local Police and the dedicated team are working hard.

The other week the Police closed down a large car meeting at Lock field Meadow involving 100+ cars. Every car was stopped and examined leaving the location. Each vehicle was issued a Community Protection Warning.

Last week the Police conducted a local stop site, the following results were achieved included: two disqualified drivers, three lost/stolen vehicles recovered, one road unworthy car, 18 vehicles seized for no insurance and 28 various other traffic offences (TOR).


I appreciate the issue is a frustrating one – but a lot of effort is going on behind the scenes to tackle the issues.


Raglan School road safety news

Five years ago I launched a Raglan School road safety campaign with three key aims;
✅ Pedestrian Crossing – Delivered!
✅ Extended zig zag lines – Delivered!
➡️ 20mph zone – plan being consulted on.
We are now on the brink of securing all three aims. A lot of hard work has gone into pressing the Labour Council for action.
Please see the proposal image for a 20mph limit. Consultation letters are going out in a few days time.

Edmonton A10 Skatepark update – huge progress

Firstly congratulations to Enfield Chace and Enfield Grammer School for amazing mural artwork at the Skatepark. As background, back in October I flagged with the Council that the skatepark was very grey and needed brightening up. From this the Council commissioned a local artist who has consulted with skatepark users.

Still more work to be done at the Skatepark and spotted a few issues that will take up with the Council.
Since March 2021 I have been raising the neglected condition of the skatepark with Enfield Council. This has involved a lot of time and effort including many site visits – but we have now seen significant progress made in two years.
It is now looking much better. Improvements secured:
🚜 Area torn up during cemetery expansion (pictured right) now resurfaced as above.
🚮 New bins installed and regular litter picking of the site.
🕳Potholes near ramps repaired.
🌳Maintenance works on the trees/bushes/grass.
✅ New fencing barrier installed.
🌿 Planting area created.
❗️Graffiti continues to be removed from old toilet building / ramps. Some had swear words.
If anyone has ideas of how we can improve the site further please let me know.

55,200 Enfield Borough households to receive extra Cost of Living support

It is welcome that the Conservative Government’s extended Cost of Living Payments worth £900 for vulnerable families in Enfield Borough. 

  • The Conservative Government are supporting people across the UK in the face of rising prices caused by Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine while working to halve inflation this year.

That is why eight million eligible people in receipt of means-tested benefits will receive a Cost of Living Payment worth £301 from 25 April 2023 followed by two further payments so vulnerable families will receive payments worth £900 this year.

  • These payments are part of the Conservative Government’s work to support people with the cost of living.

This means almost one in four families across the UK will receive £301 from the Conservative Government as the latest Cost of Living Payments begin to be sent out, including 55,200 families in Enfield Borough.

28,500 eligible individuals in Enfield Borough will also receive the Conservative Government’s Disability Cost of Living Payment worth £150 again this year.

Over eight million households across the UK who claimed qualifying means-tested benefits during the eligibility period will be automatically paid £301 in their first payment this year. This direct support is part of the Conservative Government’s £94 billion package of cost of living support worth £900 this year for vulnerable households receiving means-tested benefits.

The payments are made directly with no need to apply or do anything to receive it.

In addition to means-tested cost of living support, the Energy Price Guarantee is continuing to help keep household energy bills as low as possible – ensuring the typical family pays no more that £2,500 for their energy bills until the end of June this year.

This support will be delivered alongside the Prime Minister’s five-point plan to halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut waiting lists and stop the boats.

Households are facing rising living costs in the wake of Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine and the Conservative Government is rightly protecting the most vulnerable people in Enfield Borough.



Enfield Labour run Council CUT Council Tax Support to 6,500 households

Did you know?

Enfield Labour run Council has carried through with reducing Council Tax Support to 6,500 low income households. The majority of which are households and families in the east of the Borough. Households will lose support of anything between £142 – £1,455.

At anytime this would be wrong – let alone during the cost of living crisis.

We campaigned against the change and Conservatives voted against. Labour Councillors backed the change.

The number one Ward that is impacted is Edmonton Green with 520 households seeing a cut in support.

Labour is no longer the party of the working class.

Further improvements at Bush Hill Gardens.

Pleased to report extra benches have now been installed and with new lidded bins going in. We now have a total of seven benches – rather than just one!

The park opposite Ridge Avenue Library has gone through a raft of improvements since Cllr Fallart, Gregory and myself started pressing the Council for improvements.

This has taken a lot of work; but we are getting there.

Replacement noticeboards are on order and hoping that the water feature can be brought back into use.

Success! Bury Lodge Park – pavements repairs started

For many years with the Friends of Bury Lodge Park I have pressed the Council to repair the pavements around the playing field (beyond the pergolas). These have been in a worsening state for a very long time.

Last year the Council agreed to a £30k fund to address this with works in November – this did not happen – and I have been chasing ever since.

Delighted to say the contractors were booked and the works have now commenced.

Enfield Labour Council spends £665,000 on furniture in under two years!

Labour Council has surged spending on lavish furniture.

• Driven by the Labour Councils multi-million £ makeover ‘Build to Change’ project. Conservatives have called for a halt on spending and reinvest into frontline services.

• £250,000 was spent on furniture at the Housing Hub in a £3.78 million pound refurbishment – the building will be demolished in the Edmonton Green redevelopment.

• Council cannot provide breakdown of individual furniture item spend on the Housing Hub works.

• £415,000 Civic Centre spend includes £1,100 chairs, £2,200 sofas and £15,000 boardroom table.

Shadow Finance Councillor James Hockney said: “When the Labour Council keeps saying it has no money – but spends money like this, it is quite incredible. This money could and should have been invested into frontline services.

Such spending on lavish furniture on the taxpayer’s money would be an insult and wrong at any time; let alone during cost of living when many residents would want to be able to buy new furniture – but are not in a position to.”

Conservatives say; halt this spending and invest in the residents priorities

Street tree campaign success – huge tree planting Bush Hill Park Ward!

Across Bush Hill Park Ward we received overall 128 trees (up from 14 last year) on following road;

Abbey Road, Amberley Gardens, Amberley Road Ash Grove, Borden Road, Brendon Road, Bury Street West, Church Street, Colne Road, Countisbury Avenue, Crawley Road, Delhi Road, Edenbridge Road, Elsiedene Road, Firs Lane, Firs Park Avenue, Halstead Gardens, Halstead Road, Hydefield Close, Hyde Park Avenue, Kent Road, Longleat Road, Lynmouth Avenue, Lynton Gardens, Park Avenue, Percy Road, Porlock Road, Queen Anne’s Grove, Queen Anne’s Place, Ridge Road, Sennan Road, Solna Road, Sittingbourne Avenue, Teynham Avenue, Village Road, Wellington Road, York Road

We launched the campaign after only 14 trees were planted last year – that resulted in a net loss of street trees.

This year the planting season includes some roads that had few / no trees.