Archive for November 2015

Anti Bullying Week 2015

This week is Anti Bullying Week 2015.

The need for action has never been more urgent. When you consider that the ‘Good Childhood Report’ by The Children’s Society reported that children in England experienced the highest levels of emotional bullying out of the 15 countries surveyed. With those that had been bullied four or more times in the last three months were six times more likely to have low self esteem than those that had not. The myth that ‘bullying makes you stronger’ is just that.

Increasingly anti-bullying organisations are combining their efforts to ensure the bestAPPG framework is in place in schools. This includes the All Party Parliamentary Inquiry into school bullying, which successfully ensured amendments in the Children and Family Bill to give greater recognition to bullying in schools. Debates have also taken place in both houses. Pictured right with Dame Esther Rantzen DBE.

The effects of bullying leave deep emotional scars often into adulthood. King’s College Institute of Psychiatry commissioned a substantial study of over 7,700 people, who were born in 1958, who were bullied at 7 or 11 years old. The study then followed up with the participants until they were 50 years old.

The study found that the impact of bullying is still visible up to mid-life, four decades after people were bullied. Symptoms included depression, anxiety and a greater likelihood to have suicidal thoughts than those who had not been bullied.

In this country there is a serious injustice that is taken place now, in 2015. Currently a child excluded for aggressive and persistent bullying may be transferred to alternative provision such as a pupil referral unit at a cost of between £16 and 23K per year.

However, if a child subjected to bullying behaviour – the victim – becomes school phobic there is little or no alternative provision available or offered. They leave school and receive little or no support becoming more and more depressed with a bleak academic future. How can this be right?

For a moment just imagine 750 secondary school classrooms empty week in, week out, all year round. Could you imagine the outcry, the headlines? Let me explain; there are over 16,000 between the ages of 11 and 15 missing education in England because of severe bullying (NatCen Report 2011).

This varies from name calling to  physical attacks to cyber bullying and many more besides. And the figure of 16,000 is likely to be an underestimate, as many local authorities do not record the reason for a parent withdrawing their child from school.

So 16,000 children translates into 750 classrooms. Can you imagine the lost potential? But because the numbers are spread across all schools no one notices.

You may ask how can it be possible for so many children to leave education? Usually this happens as a last resort. When the situation deteriorates (with the child no longer attending school due to becoming school phobic, and parents who may be threatened with being taken to court for allowing their child to truant) the worn down parents agree for their child to be managed off the school role and outside the formal education framework.


The approach required must be twofold. First, to put in place the measures needed to actively reduce bullying in schools. When the ‘Good Childhood report’ estimates that half of children experience some form of bullying and over a third on the receiving end of physical bullying in the last month, we owe it to the next generation to do something.

Second is to ensure that in the worst case scenario where a child self excludes that there is a safety net for children who can no longer attend mainstream education, with the aim of returning them to mainstream education once fully recovered.

APPG5Wishful thinking? The charity Red Balloon Learner Centre Group have a record of 95 per cent of severely bullied children who stay with them longer than six weeks returning to mainstream education and leading productive lives. Indeed this year RB-Norwich was deemed ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. Pictured with Dr Carrie Herbert MBE, President of the charity.

The parallel that I would draw is MRSA. Hospitals have made real strides in reducing infection rates, but in the worst case scenario ensure that the patient receives the treatment required.

Why cannot the same principle be applied to bullied children?



Going before the decision makers at Shire Hall – ‘Action for School Road Safety’ campaign

20151103_173627Going before the decision makers at Shire Hall – ‘Action for School Road Safety’ campaign

Delighted to go before the Highways committee today at Cambridgeshire County Council. This was as a result of handing in the ‘Action for School Road Safety’ petition with over 1,300 signatures.

The campaign has received an incredible amount of community support, indeed in the 15 years I have been running community petitions, this was second only to the ‘No New Town’ petition campaign.

The four aims of the campaign are:lollipop3

(1) Recruit a Primary School crossing person and put in place an actual crossing. (2) Add the Primary School to a Safer Routes to School scheme. (3) Return the Secondary School bus route (Landbeach to Cottenham) to the priority gritting route list.  (4) Ensure parents concerns about the quality/standard of County Secondary School buses are addressed.Icy road Landbeach Cottenham

Already the Secondary School bus route has been returned to the priority gritting route and new buses and coaches replacing the old ones. This has also meant more transport with seat belts. I took these County Council issues on in addition to my District related workload because I appreciate the need for action.

We have ensured that the need for a crossing person is advertised with the County Council willing to provide this on a job-share basis. I have, with others, pressed the need for a crossing at the Parish Highways Committee and this is being considered in a forward plan of projects.

Thank you to everyone that has supported the campaign – together we have already had a number of key successes and must keep this going.