Going before the decision makers at Shire Hall – ‘Action for School Road Safety’ campaign

20151103_173627Going before the decision makers at Shire Hall – ‘Action for School Road Safety’ campaign

Delighted to go before the Highways committee today at Cambridgeshire County Council. This was as a result of handing in the ‘Action for School Road Safety’ petition with over 1,300 signatures.

The campaign has received an incredible amount of community support, indeed in the 15 years I have been running community petitions, this was second only to the ‘No New Town’ petition campaign.

The four aims of the campaign are:lollipop3

(1) Recruit a Primary School crossing person and put in place an actual crossing. (2) Add the Primary School to a Safer Routes to School scheme. (3) Return the Secondary School bus route (Landbeach to Cottenham) to the priority gritting route list.  (4) Ensure parents concerns about the quality/standard of County Secondary School buses are addressed.Icy road Landbeach Cottenham

Already the Secondary School bus route has been returned to the priority gritting route and new buses and coaches replacing the old ones. This has also meant more transport with seat belts. I took these County Council issues on in addition to my District related workload because I appreciate the need for action.

We have ensured that the need for a crossing person is advertised with the County Council willing to provide this on a job-share basis. I have, with others, pressed the need for a crossing at the Parish Highways Committee and this is being considered in a forward plan of projects.

Thank you to everyone that has supported the campaign – together we have already had a number of key successes and must keep this going.

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