Reflections on another tube strike and silver linings

20160324_180757As I enjoy Easter with the family I reflect back on another tube strike that took place yesterday.  Yet again millions of commuters – tourists, workers, the retired, families lives are disrupted. This causes misery for many – the vast majority who earn far less that the striking tube drivers.

The sooner the new strike law is in place the better. Provisions include a 50 per cent threshold for ballot turn-out and a 40 per cent support threshold for strikes. This will cover key services; health, education, fire,  transport, border security, energy sectors and TfL services (Tube and London buses).  TfL was included following campaigning by Conservative Mayoral Candidate Zac Goldsmith.

Yesterday Transport for London provided many more buses to cope with increased demand. This is where I come to the ‘silver lining’ point. Where I was collected by an historic Ensign bus. Most seemed to enjoy the novelty of such a unique vehicle and the bus conductor chatted happily to all the commuters – so there was a wonderful atmosphere with many converations, laughing and joking.

The bus conductor had started work at 4am and was due to finish shortly (I got off the bus at 6pm) – a 14 hour shift earning £12 per hour. Less than half what tube drivers are paid. To me she was the superstar of the day and an example to us all.


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