On the Newark by-election trail

It certainly has been a busy, busy month. Finishing off the 2nd year of my Law Degree and campaigning hard in the Euro and Local Elections. A brief breather and into the Newark by-election!

IMG-20140529-02571Pleased to be joined by MEP Candidate Cllr Tom Hunt for the journey up from South East Cambridgeshire. One might be forgiven for thinking a mid week visit would be quiet. Think again. As we arrived at the campaign centre (one of five no less) the car-park was full to over flowing. Inside the office were sign-in sheets on the wall for MP’s – a veritable whose who of the Conservative Party. Clipboards, pens, stickers, canvass sheets were swiftly handed out with a campaign manager joining us to visit residents. Just as we were about to leave, ‘JAMES!’ I turned round and there were two fellow Eastern Region campaigners – Heidi Allen and Colin Barker.

Out on the door there was a great response (I think many residents are enjoying the excitement of the by-election), strong support for Robert Jenrick and the Conservative Party. It was quite clear travelling around the area that we were the ones putting in the most effort. This has been recognised by the media – www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27626889 blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2014/05/tories-tories-everywhere/

On Saturday should be an even greater show of Conservative effort – including the excellent RoadTrip 2015 project that will bring in 200+ activists alone!


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