Archive for Charity

Visit to EACH – a moving experience

Milton hospiceIt was a very moving experience to visit the East Anglia Children’s Hospice in Milton, one of three in the region. They support families and care for young people with life limiting conditions.

They deliver a wide range of services including; short break care, specialist play activities, music therapy, hydrotherapy, parent groups, sibling groups, care at end of life and bereavement support.

But they are heavily reliant on voluntary donations to provide not only these services, but to be able to invest in their facilities. For instance the new play area cost over £120,000. To learn more about the charity please go to their website;

I will certainly do what I can to support this very worthy charity that does such important work.

Above I am pictured at the EACH stand at the recent Ely Aquafest, where Karen from the charity invited me to visit.