Supporting Small Business Saturday

downloadToday is Small Business Saturday. The idea of Small Business Saturday was first conceived
in the United States of America by American Express three years ago. So the idea has crossed the pond and not a moment too soon.

Waterbeach-9Why is it so important? With the growing competition from supermarkets, high street chains and online; times have never been tougher for independent business. Pictured left: Opening Waterbeach Post Office.

An interesting fact is that shopping locally keeps more of your spend in the local economy. Research shows that for every £100 spent in a local business, £68 is likely to stay in the community, as opposed to just £43 when spent in a chain.Lucy Shop Local 1

In my community of Waterbeach this message is so important. Since the barracks closed we have worked hard to put the local economy back on the right track. Personally I have always been committed to doing everything I can to help. Including the ‘Shop Local’ scheme.  Pictured right: with Lucy Frazer MP and Janice from JB’s Hair Salon.
In addition to chairing the ‘Shop Local’ business summit at South Cambridgeshire District Council (as pictured) The external business organisations commented on how unique it was to see such asummit sustained ‘Shop Local’ campaign in a community. From the summit the District Council made Waterbeach a pilot for their rural economic strategy.

Small business and shops are a vital part of a community – so don’t forget – support your independents today!

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