I continue to work with the Police, Council, GLA/TfL, car park owners and local residents on these issues. Having been pressing for action for six years – appreciate the frustration of residents.
It is vital that we now ensure the Council and Mayor of London commit to the ‘Charter for Action’ (please see at the end of the article).
A10 Speeding: Average Speed Cameras: We continue to call on TfL / GLA for cameras along the Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout section. To mirror what we successfully secured several years ago on the Southbury Road to Bullsmoor Lane section on the road.Police speed enforcement: The Police have undertaken many speed enforcement sessions across the year between 8am and 9pm – with cars recorded at speeds of up to 98mph (the road is a 40mph zone).
Freedom of Information Request: Recently I placed a Freedom of Information request about the two sections of the A10. The figures clearly showed that when the average speed cameras were introduced on the northern section of the A10 – injury accident rates have reduced over the years. There is a clear need for the average speed cameras on the Southbury Road to Great Cambridge Road roundabout section.
Business case for average speed cameras: There has been some movement from TfL / GLA on average speed cameras – committing to a ‘business case’ study. As part of this they conducted a speed survey – but due to one of the camera malfunctioning – are having to do this all over again.
Noise cameras: On the discussion of illegally modified cars – there has been a trial of noise cameras in four locations across the country by the Department for Transport. We will keep pressing for these to be rolled out on the whole Enfield Borough A10 stretch.
Car Meets:
Injunction: The Council stated in November it would make submission to the Courts in January to secure an injunction against car meets in Enfield Borough. Clearly this has not happened yet; and are in contact with the Council chasing on this. They have confirmed that they are still progressing this.
Policing: Over time the Police have undertaken a significant amount of enforcement of these illegal car meets – that has included arrests, cars seized and fines issued.
Mayor of London: I will continue to call for the London Mayor to implement ‘Operation Vision Zero’ which would bring additional Transport Police resource to tackle the car meets.
Car-park security: Both the Council and Police are in contact with different car parks about improving security at their sites. There are numerous car meet locations – we saw the measures taken former B&Q site measures last year. Recently Tesco Glover Way installed new security measures. Since last month I have been raising that a new car meet location is Morrisons on Southbury Road and the relevant agencies are following up on this.
Charter for Action: Last year I launched the Charter for Action – calling on the Council and Mayor of London to take respectively five and three steps – that would effectively tackle the issues of A10 dangerous speeding, unlawfully modified cars and unlicensed car meets.How you can help:
Please email your MP, GLA Member and Councillors calling on them to back the Charter for Action.