Archive for December 2022

Edmonton A10 Skatepark – great progress made!

Since March 2021 I have been raising the neglected condition of the skatepark with Enfield Council. This has involved a lot of time and effort including many site visits – but we have now seen significant progress made. It is now looking much better.

  • Area torn up during cemetery expansion resurfaced.
  • New bins installed and regular litter picking of the site.
  • Potholes near ramps repaired.
  • Maintenance works on the trees/bushes/grass.
  • New fencing barrier installed.
  • Planting area created.
  • Graffiti continues to be removed from old toilet building / ramps. Some had swear words.
  • Artist commissioned to work with community and skatepark groups to create artwork on the skatepark ramps / equipment.
  • Also requested benches to be installed.

If anyone has ideas of how we can improve the site further please let me know.

Bush Hill Park Tree Watch – progress!

As previously posted, I have been pressing the Council on the unacceptable net loss of street trees across Bush Hill Park Ward.
Given the Council has declared a Climate Emergency we should be seeing a visible and sustained increase of trees across Bush Hill Park Ward.
Efforts have included putting a question to Council Cabinet Member. They are now looking to redress the loss – watch this space.