Archive for November 2022

Since March 2021 I have been raising the neglected condition of the skatepark with Enfield Council. This has involved a lot of time and effort including many site visits – but we have now seen significant progress made. It is now looking much better.

Area torn up during cemetery expansion resurfaced.

New bins installed and regular litter picking of the site.

Potholes near ramps repaired.

Maintenance works on the trees/bushes/grass.

✅ New fencing barrier installed.

Planting area created.

❗️Graffiti continues to be removed from old toilet building / ramps. Some had swear words.

Artist commissioned to work with community and skatepark groups to create artwork on the skatepark ramps / equipment.

Also requested benches to be installed.

If anyone has ideas of how we can improve the site further please let me know.