Archive for June 2022

Call for A10 action grows

We continue to press the issue of tackling A10 speeding.

In the last week we received front page coverage in the Enfield Independent Newspaper.

Our call is for average speed 📸cameras network between Southbury Road junction / Great Cambridge Road roundabout like the northern section of the A10.

Please sign the petition.

Labour neglect of Edmonton A10 Skatepark

It is a disgrace that Enfield Labour run Council continues to neglect the A10 Edmonton Skatepark.

Today we had a site visit and continue to raise this to a senior level at the Council.

Many issues about the conditions and maintenance at the skatepark still remain. As you know I have been pressing the Council for action since last year.

Along with Councillor Peter Fallart and Councillor Pat Gregory – we will keep pressing Enfield Labour run Council to account – as our youngsters deserve better.